Stages of convention collective automobile salaires

Several things related to salary and wages are discussed in convention collective automobile salaires agreement. Detailed discussion on the disputes about collective agreement is done. Fixed employment terms are explained in the convention collective automobile agreement.

Read the convention collective automobile pdf about the condition of employment. Between employers and workers, collective bargaining is a dispute redressal mechanism. The rights as well as responsibilities of the workers are stated in this agreement. Below are some stages of the convention collective automobile agreement that you should know:

First stage: Preparation

For the collective bargaining management it is vital to organize the group to represent workers. Usually the role of representative is handled by the trade union. If trade union does not exist then you need to create a group. List of things is made by the unions that are discussed. Some problems under the disputes such as issues about working condition, compensation and other are discussed. In the convention collective automobile salaires find rules created to enforce great working conditions.

In this stage several things like financial condition of company, internal condition of the company, external environment etc are taken into account.

Second stage: Arguments

Argument related to the proposal is carried out by trade union in front of employers. Counter argument are done by employers based on claims as well as contentions of the workers. For convenient negotiation several things are used by both the parties like analogies, financial figures, logics, benchmarks, precedents etc. These things are used to state their point of view about the collective bargaining.

Argument is carried out in this session that can lead to heated conversation. For a number of days, both parties might continue with the discussion without a solution.

Third stage: Send signals

Signal related to mutual settlement is offered in this stage. Company will also have to grant certain things more than they have acknowledged. Both the parties need to compromise on the issues and send in positive signal. If signaling is not carried out at right time then disputes may even get worst.

Fourth stage: Make and send proposals

Proposals are created by either of the parties depending on the received signals. In order to end the argument and reach out to common conclusion such proposals are created.

Fifth stage: Packaging proposals

During this stage in convention collective automobile salaires you can find certain concessions given by both the parties. Compromises on both sides are considered. Proposal needs to be there as a whole and not in breaks. Counter packages are even made by third party.

#6: Bargaining

Final concessions are given in this stage. On the basis of common ground, arguments and disputes are brought to the settlement. Bargaining session can even provide you with recorded conversations about both parties. Last minute glitches are solved in this session.

In the closing session negotiator needs to be strong when settling some problems. After the disputes are solved, then drafting of convention collective automobile salaires is done.