Island resort

Wilson island.
part of great barrier reef. Wilson Island is approximately 80 km northeast off the coast of Gladstone and 15 km from nearby Heron Island. Wilson Island is only accessible via Heron Island. No phones, no tv etc. Some solar USB charging. Tent bedrooms and a shared dining room / bar, 18 other residents max.



The path from the cookhouse,151.9174332,3a,75y,10.45h,88.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipObRjSJymgK0M6zwOW2wPlpAztUCM3yOyMQQZx2!2e10!7i13312!8i6656

One of the beaches; you can see how exposed it is.,151.9171024,3a,75y,239.88h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOm4wiwHN5qbg6W462zbkIjOpfeEvcuq4Nc0LjV!2e10!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656

Moving into the trees/vegetaion that cover the islands.,151.9160128,3a,75y,137.95h,142.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipO7ViNvW4A0jok4OdTwpyMFmbTiFWde1iPV8OD3!2e10!7i13312!8i6656

It's mangrove like butressing but probably more about resisting wind. Ditto the narrow leaves. Birds and turtles nest here; its a national park.

Back to the beach, more sand etc, 2 views in sea inc big coral lump. back up beach, outside lodge then to start point.






The fortress island Hashima Island (use skyfall scenes for context) not not very novel, somewhere underwater or underground? Walk from Lukla up to Everest base camp? Pick a couple of spots on the way.
This nice:,86.8170948,2a,75y,77.4h,93.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srarQ7thDzMsJ1ps71NMRZw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


story of Marie Celeste.

Mail rail tour:

This week I'd like to take a look round the Nasir-ol-molk Mosque. It's located in Shiraz, Iran and is famous for the quality of its decoration, and popularly known as the Pink Mosque due to its pink tiles. The entrance is here: Pink Mosque Streetview.

Note the tiles around the entrance feature flowers with yellows and pinks rather than the traditional turquoise geometrical shapes. Also an interesting honeycomb like structure above the door and ornate doors. It's laid out around a courtyard with the prayer hall(s) off to one side; a very common layout for mosques.

The hall to the right of the entrance is accessible on streetview and recomended. The ceilings are worth checking out too.

Construction was started in 1876 in a period when western influences were at their strongest. Tilework was imported from Britain, France and Germany so there are depictions of architecture and more colourful designs at variance with traditional Persian designs.


This mosque features Orsi glass; traditional stained glass was used to provide illumination but Orsi glass provides patterns. It's extensive use in the mosque is one of it's defining features.

A youtube highlights tour