Wallace Associates: What to Look for in Top-Quality Candidate Employees

Every professional HR manager would smell a top contender for a position from a mile away. The bearing, the manner of speaking, the way questions are answered; and, of course, how written communications are presented or provided, all work together to form a profile of the candidate’s total character. One would have to be a super-sleuth to accomplish such a feat; but it can be done with a few fundamental steps required. Consider the following suggestions by Wallace Associates:

1. Uses the word “I” sparingly

In high school English, our teacher taught us not to write a whole paragraph with all or most sentences beginning with the word “I”. It would seem so obvious to most of us now; but back then, we had no clue. Such a composition would not work, except for the song “I Believe”. It applies in spoken language as well. It either reveals a narcissistic person or a rather insecure one. It takes effort not to think of yourself, especially when applying for a work and even when you are asked to describe what you are, what you know, what you can do and how you see yourself five years from now. If at all, a person who uses the ego-word as sparingly as possible is a creative person, not to mention humble.

2. Does not use the word “Uh” so often

We all do it; we must admit. However, it takes conscious effort and a disciplined mind to eventually remove this word from one’s vocabulary. This word reveals a tendency to stall and to improvise, which may be good; but in the corporate board rooms, it is tantamount to a lawyer running circles around a cunning judge. One is liable to be shot down before one gets to one’s main point. Most people get stumped because they tend to think of more complicated ideas or words. Simple is elegant.

3. Does not know how to use one’s hands

Being clumsy is one thing; not being able to use one’s hands effectively is another. The former is for kids while the latter separates the pros from the non-pros. A company hires you because you are a pro or you have the making of a pro. Knowing how to use your hands (even where you put them when you are talking or not talking) can tell people how you learned as a child: whether you were taught properly to cut your nails properly or to tie your shoes, etc. It ultimately shows whether you have done your assignment before facing the people who matter. Hitler knew how to use his hands effectively. It also showed how he could manipulate (pun intended) people around him. Not that we should mishandle people but that we should at least know how to communicate effectively with our whole body, especially with our hands.

4. Listens with the eyes

We listen with the ears, naturally. But the really creative people listen with the eyes. They see people and their eyes catch not just the words but the whole individual. And just as creative people can see people and things beyond appearances, they can also be understood and appreciated as well for more than what they appear to be.

Wallace Associates works with genuine professionals who value their own worth as much as those of others. The company gets good reviews for its excellent service of providing top quality human resource training for their clients. When you know how to pick out the best from a mile away, you can be sure you will hear no complaint from anyone.