Wallace Associates - Working Through Change

This programme enables you to develop a positive mindset and improve your readiness for change. It shows you how to be more resilient in ambiguous, challenging settings and work confidently through change. You will learn how to adapt to the new circumstances in the market place and support the company to achieve its new business goals during the change process. To do this well you will need to develop flexibility, appreciate the value in change, and the dangers of remaining in a fixed mindset.


By the end of the programme you will be able to:

- Understand the current challenges for your company and the need of enhancing your flexibility at work

- Understand your own readiness for change – and see the differences in others

- Use Bridges’ model to observe what happens to people during change

- Break negative habits to think “out of the box”

- Assess problems from a systems standpoint using the fishbone method

- Avoid “trench digging” in team decision making by using the Six Thinking Hats® model

- Involve others in planning for change by being open and sensitive

- Communicate exceptionally well to ensure people are clear about the change


Leading Others through Change

This programme enables you to lead change effectively in your company. To do this well you will first need to become a change agent – understanding your own lack of openness and finding ways to increase your readiness for change. You will then be able to plan and execute change using best practise models from the Business Schools. You will then be able to involve others in change and coach individuals to overcome resistance to change.


By the end of the programme you will be able to:

- Understand your own readiness for change – and see the differences in others

- Involve others in planning for change by being open and sensitive

- Use Kotter’s 8 step model for creating planning and implementation steps for change

- Plan a vision and communicate this effectively to others

- Know how to generate a sense of urgency for change

- Use an inclusive leadership style to get buy in for change

- Plan how to network effectively with influencers during change

- Use appropriate methods of persuasion when dealing with resistors