Warehouse Execution Software & Automated Picking Systems Are Empowering Businesses!

In today’s market, the distribution varies from one client to another and that too within the same industry sections. The omnichannel demands have really changed the way the companies do their business. And, for all of them, it is important to adopt the latest trends and technologies so that they can stay ahead of the curve. Understanding the importance of automation solutions for the businesses, now enterprises are stepping ahead and investing in warehouse execution software, automated picking systems in warehouse and so other solutions so that they can bring in higher efficaciousness in the stores, fulfillment and distribution centers.

Warehouse Execution Software :

The warehouse execution software or WES are actually considered as the computerized systems, which are being utilized in the FCS and DCs operations and are functionally equivalent to the MES (manufacturing execution system). The WES is a feature-rich software platform, which is built for addressing the escalating complexities in ever-changing or diverse distribution operations. In other words, this software is developed with the purpose of reducing the unstoppable, one-off customization and enable you to select only the functions that you really need for meeting your unique warehouse operational requirements.

Automated Picking Systems In Warehouse :

The automated picking systems in warehouse are collaborative efforts of semi-robotic or completely robotic technology. These systems are highly capable of reducing the picking routes and shortening the time taken into picking and parceling the items. This system also helps you in saving a lot of money as these robotic systems can move on their own and can work without asking for a shift change, breaks or holidays or leaves. They can run 24/7 and help in creating a safer environment for the humans as well and promote the goods-to-man automation in the stores and fulfillment centers. Also, as the fundamental goal of adopting automated solutions is making the store automated and much safer, these solutions are proving to be very useful for the enterprises.

About GreyOrange Pte Ltd.

GreyOrange is a multinational technology company, dealing into designing, manufacturing and deploying advanced robotic systems and automated solutions including warehouse execution software, automated picking system in warehouse, autonomous mobile robots, warehouse management robotic system and linear sorter. The company is in the industry for more than a decade and is serving multiple clients, belonging to the different spectrum of the industries. Grey orange holds rich experience in their field and provides best automation solutions for the warehouses, fulfillment and distribution centers. Backed by a team of skilled professionals, the organization is also providing robust support and maintenance services in order to achieve 100% customer contentment. The products are equipped with the highest standard of quality, advanced features, and functionalities. In case of any efficiency or programming error is found with the product, the company either repair or replace the products within a few minutes.