Waspi: The Women Scammed Out of Their State Pensions

In the annals of government skullduggery, the saga of the Women Against State Pension Injustice (Waspi) stands out as a particularly egregious example of institutionalized theft.

In the 1990s, the British government decided, in its infinite wisdom, to raise the state pension age for women from 60 to 65. But what made this decision so unconscionable was that it was done without giving women adequate notice.

Many women were just a few years away from retirement when the announcement was made. They had made plans for their future based on the assumption that they would be able to retire at 60. Suddenly, they were told that they would have to wait an extra five years, wiping out their savings and putting their financial future in jeopardy.

The government's justification for this cruel and heartless act was that it needed to save money. But the truth is that the government could have found other ways to raise revenue without punishing women who had already worked hard all their lives.

The Waspi women have been fighting for justice for years. They have protested, they have lobbied, and they have taken their case to court. But the government has refused to listen.

In 2019, the High Court ruled that the government's decision to raise the state pension age for women was unlawful. But the government has refused to accept the ruling, and the Waspi women are still waiting for their justice.

The Waspi scandal is a reminder of the importance of holding our government accountable. It is also a reminder of the power of ordinary people to fight for what is right.

The Waspi women are heroes. They have refused to give up, and they have inspired others to fight for justice.

We must not let them down.

How You Can Help

  • Write to your MP and tell them to support the Waspi women.
  • Donate to the Waspi campaign.
  • Spread the word about the Waspi scandal on social media.
  • Join the Waspi campaign.

Together, we can win justice for the Waspi women.