Watch out for health care scams

All the news about the Affordable Care Act has got me thinking about my health. I’ve been looking to download some health and fitness apps, but I notice many ask for a lot of personal information. Just how safe are these to use?


The Affordable Care Act is bringing health care to a lot people’s attention. It is also proving to be a field day for scammers.


The Affordable Care Act has finally gone into effect. It brings sweeping changes to America’s health care system. As usual, I am not going to comment on any of the politics involved. But I think everyone will agree that navigating the new system is very confusing.


As with any moment of confusion, scammers are jumping in. They have got some new scams cooked up to scare and trick you.


Let us start with insurance scams. One widely publicized requirement of the Affordable Care Act is that everyone needs insurance. I know some people are just going to grab whatever plan is cheapest. You might be tempted to fire up Google and search for insurance companies, but that is a bad idea.


Scammers are setting up tons of fake insurance websites. You think you are signing up for insurance but you are really giving away your information.


The place to start your search is the Health Insurance Marketplace at This is the official federal source for insurance providers. Of course, nothing is that simple. Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have their own marketplaces.


There is also some question about how well insurance companies are verified. So, do not think that just because a company is on a government site it is OK. You still need to do your homework.


The danger is not just online. Some scammers take a more direct approach. They might call, email or even show up on your doorstep pretending to be from an insurance company. They will even promise incredibly low premiums, and claim that you would be a fool not to sign up!


Some will throw in a scare tactic. They will tell you that if you do not buy right now, you will face fines or jail time. Sign me up quick!


The only problem is that you may not be covered and your money will be long gone. Before you sign up with any insurance company, do your research. Run the name through Google. Make sure the company has a solid history and no fraud complaints.


Even if it is a legitimate company, don’t trust unsolicited calls or emails. Contact the company directly if you are interested in what it offers. Scammers have no problem lying about representing real companies.


As a rule, always pause and do research before making any decision like this. Trust me, the world is not going to end if you do not “act now.” Pushing you to act now is a big part of what scammers do. They rely on greed, fear or both.


That brings me to the next question you might hear. Did you get your “Obamacare card?” No? Good, because there is no such thing. However, you might get a phone call or email telling you otherwise.


The person will explain that everyone needs one; otherwise you will not have access to health care. Plus, you could face a fine or even jail time without one! However, the caller will graciously offer to send you one. You just need to provide your name, address, Social Security number, current medical plan numbers and possibly a small processing fee. Sound suspicious yet?


As a side note, the official name of the health care act is the Affordable Care Act. No legitimate companies are going to call it “Obamacare” in advertising or correspondence.


A similar scam you might hear deals with Medicare and Medicaid. You will be told that under the Affordable Care Act, you have to reapply. Otherwise your benefits will disappear! Naturally, the person informing you of this will be happy to help if you give them your information. How helpful! In fact, they will help themselves to your identity if you are not careful.



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Watch out for health care scams

Westhill Consulting Insurance