Water and Garri, A Love Story

I was born and raised in a small village in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Garri was a staple food in our home, and I grew up eating it almost every day. My mother would soak the garri in cold water, then add hot water and stir until it formed a thick, doughy paste. She would then add palm oil, salt, and sometimes fish or meat, and serve it with a side of soup.
I loved the taste of garri, and I would often eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was a filling and nutritious meal, and it was a good way to start the day. I also loved the way garri made me feel. It gave me a sense of comfort and security, and it reminded me of home.
As I got older, I moved away from my village and started to explore other foods. I tried different cuisines from all over the world, but I never forgot the taste of garri. I would often crave it, and I would sometimes make it for myself as a comfort food.
One day, I was feeling particularly homesick, and I decided to make a batch of garri. I soaked the garri in cold water, then added hot water and stirred until it formed a thick, doughy paste. I added palm oil, salt, and fish, and I served it with a side of okra soup.
As I ate the garri, I felt a surge of emotion. It tasted just like the garri my mother used to make, and it brought back so many memories of home. I realized that garri was more than just a food to me. It was a symbol of my childhood, my family, and my culture.
I am now an adult, and I still love garri. I eat it whenever I can, and I always make it with love. I am grateful for the memories that garri brings back, and I am proud to share this delicious and nutritious food with my friends and family.
Here is a recipe for garri:
* 1 cup garri
* 1 cup cold water
* 1 cup hot water
* 1 tablespoon palm oil
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 cup fish or meat (optional)
* 1 cup okra soup (optional)
1. Soak the garri in cold water for 5 minutes.
2. Add the hot water and stir until the garri forms a thick, doughy paste.
3. Add the palm oil, salt, and fish or meat (if desired).
4. Serve with a side of okra soup (if desired).