We can't be friends Ariana

*As Ariana Grande's ex-best friend, I have some things to say.*

I know what you're thinking: "Why would Ariana Grande's ex-best friend want to talk to me?" Well, I'm here to tell you that I'm not bitter. I'm not angry. I'm just here to share my story.

I met Ariana when we were both teenagers. We were both singers, and we both loved music. We quickly became friends, and we spent a lot of time together. We wrote songs together, we sang together, and we even performed together.

But as we got older, our friendship started to change. Ariana became more and more successful, and I was happy for her. But I also started to feel like she was changing. She was becoming more and more distant, and she was spending less and less time with me.

One day, Ariana called me and told me that she didn't want to be friends anymore. She said that she had changed, and that she didn't feel like we were on the same page anymore.

I was heartbroken. I didn't understand why she was doing this. We had been best friends for so long, and I thought we were inseparable.

But I respected her decision. I told her that I would always be there for her, if she ever needed me.

And that's where we left it. We haven't spoken since that day, but I still think about her often. I hope she's happy, and I wish her all the best.

I know that some people will say that I'm just trying to get attention by talking about this. But I'm not. I'm just trying to share my story. I'm trying to let people know that even the closest friendships can change.

And that's okay. It's part of life.

But I want to be clear about one thing: I'm not mad at Ariana. I'm not bitter. I'm just sad.

I miss her, and I wish we could still be friends. But I know that's not possible anymore.

And that's okay.

I'm going to move on with my life, and I'm going to find new friends. I'm going to be happy again, and I'm going to make new memories.

And I'm going to be okay.