Web Based AR

Web-based augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows users to experience virtual objects that are layered over real-world landscapes. Unlike traditional mobile apps, webAR can be activated via a phone's camera application, or through a standard webpage. However, it's not without its limitations. For instance, the experience may not be as seamless or functional as that offered by an app. It can also be hard to update or maintain. In addition, some phones might have hardware restrictions that prevent a certain type of web-based AR from functioning.

For example, iOS devices lack the Sensors API, which limits the web page's ability to view some of the more advanced features of a mobile device. Luckily, there's another way to get the same experience: WebARonARKit, an ARKit-compatible web development tool developed by Apple and WebAR agency Aircards. This tool synchronizes the camera frame and includes motion tracking and rendering, all in one package.

A WebAR experience can be hosted on the same web page or pushed to a user's mobile browser via a QR code. The technology is compatible with a variety of devices, including Android and iPhones. Moreover, its popularity is increasing with the release of the Hololens, an ergonomic holographic device designed to help employees stay focused on the task at hand.

Compared to traditional apps, WebAR offers a number of benefits. One of the most obvious is the fact that it isn't tied to any specific smartphone brand. Another benefit is that it's more cost-effective. Compared to developing a traditional app, developing a web-based AR app is cheaper, easier, and faster.

Web-based AR can be more effective at generating a buzz around your brand. For instance, you can create a gimmicky experience that engages users or launch a gamification competition to drive social media traffic. WebAR allows you to connect with your existing campaigns, enabling you to push out new content more easily and effectively.