Web Design Company Auckland

Are you looking to redesign your website or build a website for your new business? Building a website is easy. Anyone can build it. You can go to websites like Fiverr and find someone to build you a website for $10. You can even watch a YouTube video and learn how to build a website on your own.

However, building a website and building a website that converts are two different things. Building a website and building a website that conveys your mission clearly, attracts your audience, and makes them take action is an extremely hard thing to accomplish. Only a handful of web designers specialise at building websites that convert.

If you build a website the most important thing you need to pay attention to is that your website has the capability to collect leads at least 25-30%. That means of every 100 people who visit your site, at least 25-30% will give you their email. If you are not getting this, then you know that your site is not working.

When you hire a web designer, take some time to see the results their clients have experienced before hiring them, in addition to looking at their design.

When you want to hire an expert web designer for your website who can create a great site that is ready to make money go to Go Google and type: “web design company Auckland”. You will see a list of companies that offer web design services.

Read reviews and short list a few that have good reviews. Then look at their portfolio. See who's designs you like the most. Shortlist them again. Reach out to a few you like and ask them for their web building strategy, client conversion rates, and cost.

Then higher the one whose design you like, and whose clients are getting good results.