Important tips that will help you to secure your WordPress website

Some people think that they don't need to care much about the security of their WordPress website. Unfortunately, most people realize the importance of security only when their website or blog gets hacked. WordPress is on the list of most user-friendly and popular content management systems that you can find these days. At the same time, this platform is a common target for spammers and hackers.

According to a recent report, 9 out of 10 sites that get hacked are based on WordPress. However, it is important to keep in mind that WordPress is one of the most secure platforms. In the same way, if your website is properly maintained and secured, it won't be easier for hackers to attack it.

Actually, most hackers don't attack unpopular platforms. Therefore, they attack WordPress websites because 61% of websites of today are WordPress based.

Now, you may be wondering why your website is at risk despite the fact that it has very low traffic. Actually most hackers hack small, unpopular website not to delete important files or steal data. Their goal is to use your web server in order to send spam emails. Actually, after hacking your website, they will install a special software program that will send a lot of spam emails. And you won't realise that someone is taking advantage of your server without your permission.

For More Information Please visit, Website Security Blog

You don't need to be scared. We are going to share with you a few important tips that will help you to secure your WordPress website.

1. Don't Go for Premium Plugins that are offered for Free

If you are running your online business on a tight budget, you are looking for ways to save money. This is completely understandable. However, it is not a good idea to download your desired premium plugins from any website they are sold on. What you need to do is go to the official website of the plugin whenever you need to reinstall that plugin.

What happens is that free plugins contain malicious software such as Malware. Therefore, you may want to buy the plugin you need from the official website of the service provider.

2. Use .htaccess to Protect your Important Files

If you have been an experienced WordPress user, you may have accessed and used the .htacces file. Once you have changed this file, know that it will have a great impact on the security of your website.

If you have never worked with .htaccess, you need to know about it first. Basically, this file is responsible for the configuration of your web server. Besides, it contains specific rules that your web server follows in order to handle the files of your website.

Primarily, this file is used for creating user-friendly URLs for each web page. Aside from this, it is also used to make necessary security-related modifications to your website.