Werner de Jager

Who is Werner de Jager? He's the man who changed the way we think about space exploration.

Werner de Jager was a visionary. He dreamed of a day when humans would explore the stars. And he dedicated his life to making that dream a reality.

Werner de Jager was born in 1918 in South Africa. He showed an early interest in space exploration and at the age of just twenty-one, he designed a revolutionary new type of rocket engine.

In the early 1950s, Werner de Jager worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. There, he helped develop the engines that would power the first U.S. satellites.

In 1958, Werner de Jager founded his own company, Aerojet General. Aerojet General went on to develop some of the most important rocket engines in history. These engines were used in the Apollo program, which landed the first humans on the moon.

Werner de Jager was a pioneer in the field of space exploration. His work helped make space travel a reality. He was also a visionary who believed that humans could reach for the stars.

Today, Werner de Jager's legacy lives on. His company, Aerojet General, continues to develop rocket engines that power some of the world's most important space missions.

Werner de Jager was a man of great vision and determination. He was a true pioneer who changed the way we think about space exploration. He inspired a generation of scientists and engineers to dream big. And he made the world believe that anything is possible.

Werner de Jager died in 2008 at the age of 89. But his legacy will live on forever.