Westhill Consulting Diagnostics and Benefits

What is Westhill Diagnosed Test?

TalentReflect ™ is a diagnostic tool defining the natural strengths of the subject. It combines self-assessment and 360 degree feedback . Yet invites five other people who opine operation and behavior of the person being evaluated.


SCM is a tool combining evaluation methodology based on the Success Case Method of multimedia form of follow-up training. The tool assesses whether specific skills acquired during the training were used with measurable success.

utility is an introduction to the in-depth individual interviews (full function screening.)


TEAM PLUS diagnoses assessed the quality of teamwork by all its members. The report describes 10 dimensions of team effectiveness on a scale of plus / minus (which has a tested team, what's missing). The survey is anonymous, and the results are analyzed collectively.



westhill consulting benefits

The success of our Clients


Our clients through our projects experiencing measurable business results, such as an increase in rankings or awards for exceptional quality.


Deutsche Bank: ranked Friendly Bank NEWSWEEK, increased its position from 22 to 7th place . Polish Airlines: best airline in Central and Eastern Europe, in the  category of high standards of customer service . DB Schenker: emblem Investor in Human Capital .


Financial House QS: The Golden Customer Laurel in 2008, 2009 and 2010. comprehensively support our clients in the areas of our expertise with the client move the process . We carry out projects from managing change, implementing staff analysis of potential employees in the required fields (such as internal coaches), managing the design team creating Standards Manual, to the training. Ethics is a core value for us. We teach only those methods of communication with customers and coaching that are transparent ethically.