What is OMACP android?

OMACP is an application that an android system uses to make cellular activity smoother and stable. The cellular SMS messaging system uses this application a lot. But you may be facing trouble on your phone that is caused by OMACP. But if OMACP is a part of the android system itself, why is this problem occurring? 


It’s because the OMACP that creates problems on your android phone is not the real OMACP app. It’s malware that disguises itself as the OMACP app so that you can not detect it. This malware gets installed when you install something from an unauthorized source. 


A method to identify the OMACP virus

Since the virus camouflages itself by taking the name of OMACP, we are going to call it the OMACP virus. Like every other malware, the OMACP virus works silently and consistently does harm to your phone without letting you know anything. You can’t even be certain that antivirus could detect it. This virus mostly attacks the system apps of your phone and that’s why your phone starts misbehaving. 


Now that you know what OMACP android is, it’s time to detect it and remove it from your phone. To detect the OMACP virus, you need to analyze the app management storage, data usage, battery usage, unusual messages, weird pop-ups, etc. If you see any apps consuming a suspicious amount of storage, battery power, or internet data, then there is a good possibility of this being a virus or at least affected by the virus. 


If you often get disturbing pop-ups and notifications, find out which app is producing them. The system apps don't give weird pop-ups. Similarly, if you find any other anomaly in your phone, try to dig out the app that is causing it from behind. You can also try some powerful antivirus to detect them. But don’t just be dependent on the antivirus software. 


How to remove the OMACP virus for good


The best way to remove the virus from the system for good is to reset the factory data of the system. Back up the important data on cloud storage. Since OMACP has great access to SMS, we would suggest not to backup the messages with your other data. Once you backup all of your data, run an antivirus scanner on that data just to confirm you haven’t backed up the virus. Backup only the important data if you have any and leave everything else behind. 


Then reset your phone system. It would be better if you reinstall the system on your phone again. That should remove all of the viruses from your phone. 


In minor virus attacks, you may not have to reset your phone. Just removing the malicious apps will be enough for you. Disconnect your phone from the internet and then restart your phone. After switching on the phone, go to Settings > applications. Find out the suspicious application by using the method discussed above and uninstall them. 


How to stay safe from the OMACP virus


OMACP virus doesn’t appear automatically from anywhere. If you do not let the guards down, there is no way that your phone can get attacked by any kind of malware. But a lot of people still don’t know the safety rules and they just browse through the internet recklessly. Avoid these actions to keep your phone away from viruses: :


  • Clicking on the malicious links

  • Installing apps from other sources than the play store

  • Using cracked apps

  • Using public and free wifi

  • Downloading files from an untrusted source

  • Clicking on suspicious pop-up ads


Final words


You should take action as soon as you realize that your phone is under virus attack. The more you delay, the more harm will be done with your phone. Do not click on clickbait popups and never install any apps from any unknown and untrusted website. Samsung and Vivo phones are very well known for getting OMACP virus, so if you are using one of these phones, you should take extra precautions.