What Others Say About Meir Ezra?

Meir’s teaching is unique and spectacular, filled with so much wisdom and heart.”

– Ingrid Wang


“I’ve learned from the best of the best in the personal development industry, but Meir is the only teacher that has something fresh and important to say. His information and insight are profound … and it just plain works.”

- Randy Lee


Meir is possibly the most educated person alive. He teaches comprehensive powerful and internally consistent technology that have helped me personally and entrepreneurially. Meir is a true master!”

– Raymond Aaron


“We thought we were running a successful business, but it felt we were missing a piece of the puzzle. Only to find that we were not missing just a piece, but the entire foundation. We are now equipped with the knowledge and power to organize our real estate business beyond our imagination.”

- Heather Carrigg, Young, Entrepreneurial realtor


“The concepts Meir teaches are extremely powerful and easy to understand. While I have been in business in many high level roles for over 15 years, I have not been exposed to this type quality content.”

- Joe Gnapp, JMG Business Consulting, Inc., Wesley

Chapel, FL


“Meir confronted me today. He shot holes in my belief that the nagging, niggling little undone tasks in my life didn’t really matter and didn’t effect my business. He showed me that they are, in fact, diverting energy away from my ability to move my company forward. Completing those tasks will increase the speed with which my company will grow. I have created the action plan to complete these energy thieves.”

- Ruth Rymal, Mojo Restoration, LLC