What to Look When Choosing A Turntable?

Turntables have regained their popularity enormously over the past decade or so. Indeed, the particular grain they bring to the sound is very appreciated by collectors and audiophiles. Business first, the music industry realized that there was a market to (re)develop and release albums on vinyl so that fans could find their way around. As there are many models, our team of experts has prepared a comparison of the best turntables. However, if you want to make choose a turntable of your own, continue reading the article.

Factor to consider when buying a turntable

Since the start of this new wave of vinyl popularity, turntable sales have exploded. For this reason, the market today is flooded with products of widely varying quality. To help you choose your turntable, we have drawn up a list of criteria to take into account when purchasing such a tool:

1. Belt drive or direct drive: Belt-driven turntables have their motor located outside and not under the platter, which limits vibrations and therefore increases sound quality. It's arguably the best choice for home listening, but not for mixing.

2. What type of vinyl: Depending on your collection, you should choose a turntable that can play 33 rpm, 45 rpm, or (less common) 78 rpm.

3. Preamplifier and speakers: The built-in speakers on the turntables are not really great. However, the presence of a preamplifier is perfect for audiophiles because it greatly improves the sound quality.

4. Port USB: If you want to digitize your vinyl records, you will need a USB port. If it's not your priority, you can do without it.

5. Automatic or manual: Automatic vinyl turntables are those on which you have nothing to operate. The arm moves automatically to place the stylus on the vinyl. With a manual turntable, you will have to do this yourself.

6. The design and the price: It may seem obvious, but choose a turntable that you like. Also, be well informed about the best options available in your price range.

We hope we have enlightened you with this article and that you now see things a little more clearly. You are now ready to listen to your great classics again with the best possible sound quality.