What Happened When Brienna Gramelspacher Tried to Sleep at Her Grandma's House?

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Brienna Gramelspacher. Brienna was a very curious girl, and she loved to explore. One day, Brienna's parents dropped her off at her grandma's house for the weekend. Brienna's grandma lived in a big old house in the countryside, and Brienna was excited to spend some time there.
That night, Brienna was excited to go to bed. Her grandma had given her a special nightgown to wear, and she had made her up a bed in the guest room. Brienna got into bed and closed her eyes. But as soon as she closed her eyes, she heard a strange noise.
"Creak," went the floorboards.
Brienna opened her eyes and looked around. She couldn't see anything, but she could still hear the noise.
"Creak," went the floorboards again.
Brienna got out of bed and opened the door. She peered out into the hallway, but it was dark and empty. Brienna closed the door and went back to bed. But as soon as she closed her eyes, she heard the noise again.
"Creak," went the floorboards.
This time, Brienna jumped out of bed and ran to the door. She threw open the door and looked out into the hallway. This time, she saw something.
It was a small, furry creature with big eyes and a long tail. The creature was standing in the middle of the hallway, and it was staring at Brienna.
Brienna gasped and stepped back. The creature tilted its head and stared at her. Brienna could feel her heart beating in her chest.
"What are you?" Brienna asked.
The creature didn't answer. It just kept staring at her. Brienna took a deep breath and asked again.
"What are you?" she asked.
The creature opened its mouth and said, "I am a mouse."
Brienna stared at the mouse. She had never seen a mouse that could talk before.
"A mouse?" she asked. "But mice can't talk."
"I can talk," the mouse said. "I am a very special mouse."
"What's your name?" Brienna asked.
"My name is Squeaky," the mouse said. "What's your name?"
"My name is Brienna," Brienna said.
"It's nice to meet you, Brienna," Squeaky said. "Would you like to play with me?"
Brienna looked at Squeaky. She didn't know what to think. She had never played with a mouse before. But she was curious, so she said, "Sure."
Brienna and Squeaky played for hours. They played hide-and-seek, and they played tag. They even played dress-up. Brienna had so much fun playing with Squeaky. She had never had a friend like him before.
But eventually, it got late, and Brienna started to get tired.
"I have to go to bed now," Brienna said. "But I had a lot of fun playing with you, Squeaky."
"I had fun too," Squeaky said. "Can I come back and play again tomorrow?"
"Sure," Brienna said. "I'd love that."
Brienna gave Squeaky a hug and then went back to bed. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The next morning, Brienna woke up and got out of bed. She went to the window and looked outside. It was a beautiful day. Brienna smiled. She couldn't wait to play with Squeaky again.
Brienna went downstairs and found her grandma in the kitchen.
"Good morning, Grandma," Brienna said. "Can you make me some breakfast?"
"Of course, dear," her grandma said. "What would you like?"
"I'd like some pancakes," Brienna said. "And some bacon."
"Coming right up," her grandma said.
Brienna sat down at the table and waited for her breakfast. She couldn't wait to tell her grandma all about Squeaky.
A few minutes later, her grandma came back with a plate of pancakes and bacon. Brienna smiled and thanked her grandma. Then she started to eat.
As Brienna was eating, she told her grandma all about Squeaky. She told her about how they met and how they played together.
Her grandma smiled as she listened to Brienna's story.
"That's wonderful, dear," her grandma said. "I'm so glad you have a new friend."
Brienna smiled back at her grandma. She was so happy that she had met Squeaky. He was the best friend she could have ever asked for.
After breakfast Brienna went outside to play with Squeaky. They played all day long. They played hide-and-seek, and they played tag. They even played dress-up. Brienna had so much fun playing with Squeaky. She knew that they would be friends forever. But at the end of the day Brienna's parents came to pick her up. She said goodbye to Squeaky and got in the car. She waved goodbye as her parents drove away. She knew that she would see Squeaky again soon. Brienna couldn't wait to play with her new friend again.