What Happened When Mettabel Cunze Went Shopping

There are two kinds of shoppers: those who go to the store with a plan and those who wing it. Mettabel Cunze is definitely the latter. She never makes a list, and she always ends up wandering around the store for hours, picking up random things that catch her eye.

One day, Mettabel went to the grocery store to buy a few things for dinner. She had no idea what she wanted to make, so she just started walking around, looking at everything. She picked up a bag of chips, a box of cookies, and a gallon of milk. She was about to head to the checkout line when she saw a display of live lobsters.

Mettabel had never cooked lobster before, but she had always wanted to try it. She picked up one of the lobsters and examined it closely. It was a big, ugly creature, but it looked delicious.

Mettabel decided to buy the lobster. She took it to the checkout line and paid for it. Then she went home and put it in the refrigerator.

Later that night, Mettabel decided to cook the lobster. She had no idea how to do it, so she just winged it. She put the lobster in a pot of boiling water and cooked it for about 15 minutes.

When the lobster was done, Mettabel took it out of the pot and cracked it open. The meat was delicious, but it was also very tough. Mettabel had to chew it for a long time before she could swallow it.

Despite the tough meat, Mettabel enjoyed her lobster dinner. She was glad that she had decided to try something new. And she knew that she would never forget the day she cooked her first lobster.

The next time you go to the grocery store, don't be afraid to wing it. You might just end up discovering something new that you love.

  • Mettabel's Tips for Winging It at the Grocery Store:
  • Don't make a list.
  • Walk around and look at everything.
  • Pick up things that catch your eye.
  • Don't be afraid to try something new.

Who knows? You might just end up cooking your first lobster.