What Happened When Rozamond Jumped in the Wishing Well

Little Rozamond Fritscher was a curious child. She loved to explore the woods behind her house, and she was always getting into trouble. One day, she found an old wishing well in the middle of the forest. She was so excited that she couldn't wait to make a wish.

Rozamond closed her eyes and made a wish. She wished for a new doll. Then she opened her eyes and looked into the well. The water was clear, and she could see her reflection. But something was different. Her reflection was wearing a beautiful new doll!

Rozamond was so happy! She reached down to pick up the doll, but it was too far away. She tried again, but the doll was still out of reach. Finally, she decided to jump into the well.

Rozamond took a deep breath and jumped. She closed her eyes and waited for the water to hit her. But it never did. Instead, she felt herself floating through the air. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a beautiful land, full of flowers and trees. There were animals of all shapes and sizes, and they were all playing together.

Rozamond walked through the land, and she came to a castle. The castle was made of gold and silver, and it was surrounded by a moat. Rozamond crossed the moat and entered the castle. She walked through the castle, and she came to a throne room. The throne was made of gold, and it was covered in jewels. On the throne sat a beautiful queen.

The queen smiled at Rozamond. "Welcome to my castle," she said. "I am the Queen of this land. You have come here for a reason. You have a wish that you want to make."

Rozamond nodded. "Yes," she said. "I wish for a new doll." The queen smiled. "Your wish is my command," she said. "Here is your new doll." The queen handed Rozamond a beautiful new doll. The doll was made of porcelain, and it was dressed in a beautiful gown. Rozamond was so happy!

Rozamond thanked the queen, and she turned to leave. But the queen stopped her.

"Wait," she said. "There is one more thing. You must never forget your wish. If you do, you will lose your doll." Rozamond nodded. "I will never forget my wish," she said. Rozamond left the castle and walked back through the land. She came to the wishing well and jumped in. She closed her eyes and waited for the water to hit her. But it never did. Instead, she felt herself floating through the air. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was back in the forest, standing next to the wishing well. She looked down at the doll in her hand. It was still there!

Rozamond was so happy! She had found her new doll, and she had learned a valuable lesson. She would never forget her wish, and she would always be grateful for the queen's kindness.

Rozamond Fritscher ran home and told her parents all about her adventure. They were so happy for her, and they told her that she was a very special girl. Rozamond Fritscher played with her new doll every day, and she always remembered the lesson that she had learned. She never forgot her wish, and she was always grateful for the queen's kindness.

The end.