What Happened When Sharnece Meer Met The Tooth Fairy?

Sharnece Meer was a little girl who was afraid of the dark. She was also afraid of the Tooth Fairy.
One night, Sharnece lost a tooth. She was so scared that she put it under her pillow and ran to her bed. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, but she couldn't. She kept thinking about the Tooth Fairy and how she would come to take her tooth.
Finally, Sharnece couldn't take it anymore. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She turned on the light and looked in the mirror. She saw her reflection and smiled.
"I'm not afraid," she said to herself. "I'm Sharnece Meer, and I'm not afraid of anything."
Sharnece went back to bed and closed her eyes. This time, she fell asleep quickly.
In the middle of the night, Sharnece woke up. She heard a noise coming from under her pillow. She opened her eyes and saw the Tooth Fairy standing there.
The Tooth Fairy was a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and a sparkling dress. She had a kind smile on her face.
"Hello, Sharnece," the Tooth Fairy said. "I'm here to take your tooth."
Sharnece smiled back. "Okay," she said.
The Tooth Fairy reached under Sharnece's pillow and took her tooth. Then, she turned and flew away.
Sharnece watched the Tooth Fairy fly away, and she smiled. She knew that she wasn't afraid of the Tooth Fairy anymore. She was Sharnece Meer, and she was brave.
The next morning, Sharnece woke up and found a silver dollar under her pillow. She smiled and put it in her piggy bank. She knew that the Tooth Fairy had left it for her, and she was so happy.
Sharnece Meer was never afraid of the dark or the Tooth Fairy again. She knew that she was brave, and she could do anything she set her mind to.
One day, Sharnece was playing in the park when she saw a little boy crying. He had lost his tooth, and he was afraid of the Tooth Fairy.
Sharnece went over to the little boy and smiled. "Don't be afraid," she said. "The Tooth Fairy is nice. She's not going to hurt you."
The little boy looked up at Sharnece and smiled. "Really?" he asked.
"Really," Sharnece said. "I'm Sharnece Meer, and I'm not afraid of anything."
The little boy smiled back. "Thank you," he said. "I'm not afraid anymore."
Sharnece and the little boy played together for the rest of the day. They had a lot of fun, and they both forgot all about the Tooth Fairy.
That night, Sharnece went to bed and closed her eyes. She knew that the Tooth Fairy would come to take the little boy's tooth, and she was happy. She knew that the little boy would be brave, just like her.