What Happens When Yordanov Gittelmacher Tries to Make a Doctor`s Appointment

Yordanov Gittelmacher had been feeling under the weather for a few days. He had a headache, a sore throat, and a runny nose. He knew he needed to see a doctor, but he was dreading the thought of making an appointment. He had never been good at dealing with people on the phone, and he was worried that he would make a fool of himself.
Yordanov Gittelmacher took a deep breath and dialed the number for his doctor`s office. The phone rang and rang, and just when he was about to give up, someone finally answered.
"Hello," the receptionist said. "This is Dr. Smith`s office. How can I help you?"
"Hi," Yordanov Gittelmacher said. "My name is Yordanov Gittelmacher, and I`m calling to make an appointment."
"Sure," the receptionist said. "What seems to be the problem?"
"Well," Yordanov Gittelmacher said, "I`ve been feeling under the weather for a few days. I have a headache, a sore throat, and a runny nose."
"I see," the receptionist said. "And when did these symptoms start?"
"A few days ago," Yordanov Gittelmacher said.
"Okay," the receptionist said. "And have you taken any medication for your symptoms?"
"No," Yordanov Gittelmacher said.
"Okay," the receptionist said. "I`ll need to get you in to see the doctor as soon as possible. Do you have any availability this week?"
"I`m free on Thursday afternoon," Yordanov Gittelmacher said.
"Okay," the receptionist said. "I`ll put you down for Thursday at 2:30. Is that okay?"
"Yes," Yordanov Gittelmacher said. "That works for me."
"Great," the receptionist said. "I`ll see you then."
Yordanov Gittelmacher hung up the phone and sighed with relief. He was glad that he had finally made an appointment, and he was looking forward to seeing the doctor and getting some relief from his symptoms.
On Thursday afternoon, Yordanov Gittelmacher arrived at the doctor`s office. He checked in with the receptionist and took a seat in the waiting room. He was nervous, but he was also hopeful that the doctor would be able to help him.
After a few minutes, the nurse called Yordanov Gittelmacher`s name. He followed her into the exam room and sat down on the exam table. The doctor came in and introduced himself. He asked Yordanov Gittelmacher about his symptoms and then examined him.
"It looks like you have a cold," the doctor said. "I`m going to give you a prescription for some antibiotics. I also want you to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids."
"Thank you," Yordanov Gittelmacher said. "I will."
The doctor wrote Yordanov Gittelmacher a prescription and then left the room. Yordanov Gittelmacher got dressed and went to the pharmacy to fill his prescription. He then went home and went to bed.
The next morning, Yordanov Gittelmacher woke up feeling much better. He took his antibiotics and drank plenty of fluids. By the end of the day, he was feeling almost back to normal.
Yordanov Gittelmacher was so grateful to the doctor for helping him. He knew that he would have been much sicker if he had not gone to see him. He was also glad that he had been able to overcome his fear of making an appointment. He knew that he would be able to do it again if he ever needed to.