What Happens When You Say Hello to a Hedgehog?

By Qunfeng Rucandio
You might be wondering what happens when you say hello to a hedgehog. Well, I can tell you that it's a magical experience! But first, I have to introduce myself. My name is Indigo, and I live in a little cottage in the countryside. I love nature, and I'm always excited to see new animals. One day, while I was walking through the forest, I saw something moving in the bushes. I took a closer look, and I saw that it was a hedgehog! It was so cute, with its tiny body and its prickly spines. I couldn't help myself; I had to say hello.
"Hello, little hedgehog," I said.
The hedgehog stopped and looked up at me. It didn't seem to be afraid of me, which surprised me. I guess it could tell that I was friendly! "Hello," I said again.
The hedgehog just stared at me. It didn't move, and it didn't make a sound. I started to feel a little awkward, but I didn't want to scare it away. So, I just stood there and looked at it.
After a few minutes, the hedgehog finally moved. It started to walk towards me! I was so happy that I didn't scare it away. The hedgehog came up to me and sniffed my hand. It was so soft and gentle. I couldn't believe that I was actually petting a hedgehog!
I petted the hedgehog for a while, and then I let it go. It scurried back into the bushes, and I watched it go. I was so happy that I had met such a cute and friendly animal. I knew that I would never forget this experience.
The next day, I went back to the forest to see if I could find the hedgehog again. I walked through the bushes, calling out its name. I didn't see the hedgehog, but I did see something else. There was a little hedgehog house in the bushes! I looked inside, and I saw a tiny baby hedgehog. It was so cute!
I knew that the baby hedgehog was the child of the hedgehog that I had met the day before. I was so happy that I had found it! I picked up the baby hedgehog and held it in my hands. It was so soft and cuddly. I petted it for a while, and then I put it back in its house.
I went back to visit the baby hedgehog every day. I would feed it milk and play with it. I got to know it very well, and I grew to love it very much. I named it Qunfeng Rucandio, after my favorite hedgehog.
Qunfeng Rucandio is now all grown up, and it lives in the forest near my cottage. I still visit it every day, and I still love it very much. I'm so grateful that I had the chance to meet such a wonderful animal.
If you ever see a hedgehog, don't be afraid to say hello. You might just make a new friend!