What is DEI?

When the term “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) started to make the rounds back in my day, we called it “multiculturalism”. It wasn’t a trendy buzzword to keep corporate America and HR departments busy. It was a real thing that real people needed. We wanted to create spaces where everyone felt welcome, valued and treated fairly regardless of their background. Sound familiar? I think it still is!

I’ll take you on a quick and dirty tour of the world of DEI. Diversity is about understanding and valuing different perspectives. It’s celebrating the unique experiences, identities, and cultures that make each of us who we are. Think about it like a big party, except instead of a fruit salad, it’s a human salad. We got all kinds of awesome ingredients, from different races, genders, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Each of us adds our own flavor and we learn to appreciate the differences that make us a more vibrant and delicious community.

Equity is like the cool older sibling of equality. Equality is making sure everyone has the same stuff, but equity is about making sure everyone has what they need to succeed. It’s recognizing that not everyone starts from the same place, so we need to make accommodations to help everyone reach their full potential. Imagine a race where some runners start at the starting line, while others are stuck behind a giant mud puddle. Equity is building a bridge over that puddle so everyone can cross the finish line together.

And finally, let’s talk about Inclusion. It's the magic ingredient that makes DEI work. Inclusion is creating an environment where everyone feels like they belong and can fully participate. It’s about valuing different perspectives, listening to each other, and working together to create a space where everyone feels comfortable bringing their whole selves to the table. Inclusion is like the welcoming committee at a party, making sure everyone feels seen and heard, and ensuring that no one is left standing awkwardly in the corner.

So, there you have it. DEI is the trifecta that creates a truly inclusive and equitable society. It's not just about checking off boxes or making everyone look like a United Colors of Benetton ad. It's about creating a culture where everyone feels like they are a valuable part of the team, where their voices are heard, and where they can reach their full potential. And when we do that, we create a better world for everyone.

Remember, DEI is not a one-time project; it's an ongoing journey. It's about constantly learning, reflecting, and making changes to create a more inclusive and equitable world. So let's keep the conversation going, keep challenging our assumptions, and keep working towards a future where everyone can thrive.