What is the ISG and why is it important?

The ISG is an international organization that works to promote the sustainable development of the global economy. It was founded in 1992 by a group of leading economists and policymakers who were concerned about the increasing interconnectedness of the world economy and the need for a more coordinated approach to economic development.
The ISG's mission is to provide a forum for dialogue and cooperation between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations. It works to promote sustainable economic growth, reduce poverty, and protect the environment. The ISG also works to strengthen the global financial system and promote international trade and investment.
The ISG is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It has a staff of about 100 people and a network of over 1,000 experts from around the world. The ISG's budget is about $20 million per year.
The ISG's work is divided into four main areas:
* Global economic governance: The ISG works to promote a more coordinated approach to global economic governance. It provides a forum for dialogue between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations on issues such as trade, finance, and development.
* Sustainable economic growth: The ISG works to promote sustainable economic growth. It provides research and analysis on the drivers of economic growth and identifies policies that can promote sustainable growth.
* Poverty reduction: The ISG works to reduce poverty. It provides research and analysis on the causes of poverty and identifies policies that can help to reduce poverty.
* Environmental protection: The ISG works to protect the environment. It provides research and analysis on the environmental impacts of economic activity and identifies policies that can help to protect the environment.
The ISG is a leading voice in the global debate on sustainable development. It provides a unique platform for dialogue and cooperation between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations. The ISG's work helps to shape the global agenda on sustainable development and contributes to a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.