What time does voting start?

The question every procrastinating voter has asked at least once in their life.

I know the feeling. You're sitting there, scrolling through your phone, when suddenly you realize that it's Election Day and you haven't voted yet. Panic sets in. You jump out of bed and rush to the nearest polling place, only to find out that it's already closed.

Don't worry, you're not alone. In fact, a recent study found that over 10% of voters have missed an election because they didn't know the voting hours.

So, what time does voting start? The answer varies depending on your state. In most states, polls open at 7:00 AM. However, some states have earlier or later voting hours. For example, in Texas, polls open at 6:00 AM, while in California, polls open at 9:00 AM.

To find out the voting hours in your state, you can visit the website of your state's election authority. You can also call your local polling place or check the voter registration card that you received in the mail.

Once you know the voting hours, make sure to set an alarm so that you don't miss the deadline. And remember, the earlier you vote, the shorter the lines will be!

Here are some additional tips for procrastinating voters:

  • Check your voter registration status online or by calling your local election authority.
  • Make sure you have a valid ID.
  • Find out where your polling place is located.
  • Bring a sample ballot with you to the polls so that you can make your selections ahead of time.
  • Don't wait until the last minute to vote. The lines will be shorter if you vote early.

And most importantly, don't forget to vote! Your vote is your voice, and it's important to make sure that it's heard.