What?! Weather Calgary

I have lived in Calgary for over 20 years, and I can confidently say that I have never experienced weather like this before. In the past few weeks, we've had everything from snow to rain to hail to sunshine. And it's not just the variety of weather that's been unusual, it's also the intensity. We've had some of the coldest temperatures of the season, and some of the warmest. And the rain has been relentless, with some areas of the city receiving over 100mm of rain in a single day.

Weather whiplash

This weather whiplash has been tough on everyone. People are getting sick, and the roads are treacherous. But it's also been tough on our mental health. The constant changes in the weather can make it hard to focus and to stay motivated. And when the weather is bad, it's easy to feel isolated and alone.

Beauty in the madness

But even in the midst of all this madness, there has been some beauty. The snow has created a beautiful winter wonderland, and the rain has made the grass and trees greener than ever. And the sun, when it does come out, is always a welcome sight.

Please let it stop

I know that I'm not the only one who's ready for this weather to stop. I'm tired of being cold and wet, and I'm tired of worrying about the roads. I'm ready for some consistency, and I'm ready for some sunshine.
So please, weather, give us a break. We've had enough.