When is Palm Sunday 2024

Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday that commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, which is celebrated one week before Easter Sunday.

In the year 2024, Palm Sunday will fall on Sunday, March 24th.

Palm Sunday is a day of great celebration for Christians, as it marks the beginning of Holy Week, which leads up to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.

On Palm Sunday, Christians around the world gather in churches to wave palm branches and sing hymns to commemorate Jesus's entry into Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday is a time for Christians to reflect on the humility and sacrifice of Jesus, and to prepare for the events of Holy Week leading up to Easter.

The story of Palm Sunday is found in the Bible in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The Gospels tell the story of how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and how the people waved palm branches and shouted "Hosanna!" as he passed by.

Jesus's entry into Jerusalem was a fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah, which said that the Messiah would come into Jerusalem riding on a donkey.

Palm Sunday is a day for Christians to remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and to prepare for the events of Holy Week leading up to Easter.