Where is Joe Biden?

The mystery of the disappearing president

Joe Biden has been president for less than a year, but he's already made a habit of disappearing for days at a time. In fact, he's spent more time at his vacation home in Delaware than any other president in recent history.

This has led to a lot of speculation about Biden's health and mental fitness. Some people have even suggested that he's not really in charge of the country and that someone else is pulling the strings.

Of course, there are plenty of people who defend Biden's frequent absences. They say that he's just a hard-working president who needs to take some time off to recharge. They also point out that he's not the first president to spend a lot of time at his vacation home.

What's the truth?

It's hard to say for sure what's going on with Biden. His absences are certainly unusual, but there's no evidence to suggest that he's not capable of doing his job.

However, the mystery of the disappearing president is sure to continue until Biden himself addresses it. In the meantime, it's up to the American people to decide whether or not they're comfortable with a president who spends so much time away from the White House.

What do you think?

Is Biden's frequent absences a sign of something more sinister, or is he just a hard-working president who needs to take some time off? Let us know in the comments below.

Here are some of the reasons that people have given for Biden's frequent absences:

  • He's just a hard-working president who needs to take some time off to recharge.
  • He's not really in charge of the country and someone else is pulling the strings.
  • He's not capable of doing his job.
  • He's just old and tired.
  • He's just a puppet for the mainstream media.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Biden is certainly a hard-working president, but he's also 79 years old. It's possible that he just needs to take some time off to recharge.

However, it's also possible that there's something more sinister going on. It's up to the American people to decide what they believe.