Where to Vote

Let's face it, voting can be a chore. But it's one of the most important things we can do as citizens. So, if you're not registered to vote, do it now. It's easy and it only takes a few minutes. To register to vote, you can go to your county's website or visit the website of the National Voter Registration Act. Once you're registered, you can vote early in person or by mail. Or, you can vote on Election Day at your local polling place.

Early voting

In many states, you can vote early in person. This can be a great option if you're going to be out of town on Election Day or if you just want to avoid the lines. To find out where you can vote early in person, go to your county's website or visit the website of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

Mail-in voting

You can also vote by mail. This is a great option if you're going to be out of town on Election Day or if you just want to vote from the comfort of your own home.
To vote by mail, you need to request a mail-in ballot. You can do this by going to your county's website or by calling your county's election office.

Election Day voting

If you don't vote early or by mail, you can vote on Election Day at your local polling place. To find out where your polling place is, go to your county's website or visit the website of the National Association of State Election Directors.

What to bring with you when you vote

When you go to vote, be sure to bring with you a photo ID. This is required in most states. If you don't have a photo ID, you may be able to vote using a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot is a ballot that will be counted only if you provide proof of your identity within a certain amount of time after the election.

What happens on Election Day

When you get to your polling place, you will need to sign in. You will then be given a ballot. The ballot will have a list of all the candidates who are running for office. You will need to fill in the ovals next to the names of the candidates you want to vote for.
Once you have filled in your ballot, you will need to insert it into the voting machine. The voting machine will count your votes and then print out a receipt. Be sure to check your receipt to make sure that your votes were counted correctly.

After you vote

After you vote, be sure to stay informed about the election results. You can do this by watching the news or by visiting the website of your local newspaper. If you have any questions about the election results, you can call your county's election office.