Who was CRIB Advisors Mentors Singapore, Women networking Singapore?


We envision a society where women, particularly mothers, are able to achieve work-life balance – having a fulfilling career while making family a priority – and where women entrepreneurs are part of a vibrant community with a robust support ecosystem, enabling them to create successful businesses, especially enterprises which create a social impact.


Our mission is to empower women to obtain self-fulfillment and financial independence, build strong families, and benefit the economy and society at large, by helping them to start sustainable, socially-minded businesses.   Our long term goal is to successfully introduce CRIB to other countries, especially developing nations, where entrepreneurship significantly impacts the lives of women at the bottom of the pyramid – many of whom are the main (or even sole) breadwinners for their families.  We believe CRIB can give these enterprising women the opportunity, network and know-how to start viable, sustainable businesses as well.


We help women entrepreneurs by:

1. Creating a community of like-minded women to form a support and business network,

2. Providing invaluable guidance and advice from our experienced and successful CRIB mentors,

3. Helping to obtain funding whether through government grants or private investors, and

4. Providing a database of trusted business resources and services

We recognize the significant contribution that women provide to the economy and to society, and we benefit the economy by helping women develop viable businesses, creating jobs, and increasing productivity

We create a community of understanding employers who are mothers themselves and thus, provide greater work-life balance oriented employment opportunities for other women and mothers-to-be

We want to change the mindset of society as a whole:

1. To recognize the importance and strive towards the creation of work-life balance,

2. To view being an involved mother while contributing financially to the family and society as a viable option, and

3. To increase the willingness of women to start families

We aim to help the women in CRIB build strong, loving family relationships; and where possible, contribute to an increase in Singapore’s Total Fertility Rate aka more babies!

We support businesses that are conducted responsibly, ethically and morally. In choosing businesses to support, we will have a preference towards social enterprises


CRIB fulfills a societal need. We aim to create successful women entrepreneurs with profitable and sustainable businesses.   In so doing, we can help:

·         Individuals achieve fulfillment in their lives,

·         Strengthen families by providing mothers with work-life-balance, and

·         Benefit society by creating a positive mindset change, increasing economic output, introducing innovative businesses and social enterprises, and raising Singapore’s Total Fertility Rate

As a social impact business, CRIB endeavors to reinvest all returns towards sustaining and growing our operations, with a portion of finances channeled towards complementary social causes that benefit women entrepreneurs.