Who's Afraid of Cesare Lombroso Prin?

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Cesare Lombroso Prin who was afraid of the dark. He was so afraid that he would hide under his bedcovers every night, shivering with fear. His parents tried everything they could to help him, but nothing seemed to work.

One night, Cesare's parents decided to take him to see a therapist. The therapist listened to Cesare's story and then asked him what he was most afraid of in the dark. Cesare thought for a moment and then said, "I'm afraid of monsters."

The therapist smiled and said, "There's no such thing as monsters, Cesare. They're just made up stories to scare children."

Cesare wasn't so sure, but he decided to try to believe the therapist. That night, he went to bed without hiding under the covers. He closed his eyes and waited for the monsters to come, but they never did.

Night after night, Cesare went to bed without hiding under the covers. And night after night, the monsters never came. Finally, Cesare realized that the therapist was right. There was no such thing as monsters. He was finally free from his fear of the dark.

Cesare Lombroso Prin grew up to be a brave and confident man. He never forgot the lesson he learned from the therapist, and he always remembered that there's no such thing as monsters. Even when he was faced with difficult challenges, he never gave up. He knew that he could overcome anything, because he had faced his greatest fear and come out stronger.

Moral of the story: Even the scariest things in life are just made up stories. If you face your fears, you'll realize that they're not as bad as you thought. And once you overcome your fears, you'll be stronger than ever before.

Call to action: What are you afraid of? Write down your fear and then make a plan to face it. You might be surprised at how easy it is to overcome your fears. And once you do, you'll be a stronger and more confident person.