Why Use Colloidal Silver Throat Spray

Health care is a controversial subject. Mainstream medical practitioners and supporters swear by prescription drugs, while millions of people choose to take responsibility for their own health by using alternative means - dietary supplements and home remedies. Colloidal silver is a proven antimicrobial substance which has vehement detractors as well as adamant supporters. Its safety record is one of its strongest defenses.
There is no known daily requirement for this mineral. It is not essential like calcium or iron, so there are no deficiency symptoms if it is not supplied. Pure colloidal silver is sold as a liquid supplement with stated parts per million (PPM) strength, with recommended use guidelines on the product label. PPM varies from 10 to 500 or more.
The term 'colloidal' means that particles of the active ingredient are suspended in another substance. In the case of colloidal silver, this is water. In a solution, suspended particles will settle out, but a colloid retains its integrity almost indefinitely. Dispersing the mineral in water makes it possible to get the correct dosage with ease.
This particular mineral, best known as a lustrous and malleable metal used for jewelry and tableware, has been known to fight infection for centuries. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, wrote of its value as a wound dressing. In the early 1900s, it was widely prescribed for many disorders. Its ability to destroy germs (by disabling enzymatic activity)is validated by modern research.
Although many medical professionals deny that pure colloidal silver has any role in healthcare whatsoever, it is widely used in the UK in bandages used to treat wounds and burns. In many countries, including the United States, silver-infused eye drops are mandatory for newborns and are administered shortly after birth. The mineral is used around the world in water purification systems and in sterilization protocols for hospitals and industry.
Many products in health food stores contain this mineral. It is sold as drops to be taken internally. It is a common ingredient in lotions that fight eczema and psoriasis. Acne medications, fungus fighters, and shampoos are other popular products. Toothbrushes that are made with it are said to have a longer germ-free life, and pet owners use it to control hot spots and bad odors. Many health conscious consumers prefer using this low-toxicity mineral rather than conventional antibiotics, which they fear are overused and over-prescribed.
Those who swear by this alternative antibiotic keep it on hand to fight colds and flu, to treat minor injuries, and to use as a general infection fighter. Some tout its efficacy for dangerous illnesses such as tuberculosis, HIV, Ebola, and staph. They point out that bacteria, yeasts, and viruses that are becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics may succumb to silver's ability to destroy essential enzymes in germs.
The FDA safe level is set slightly below what can cause discoloration of the skin, but the natural healthcare industry generally uses much, much lower levels. Even these safe, low levels are believed to effectively increase well-being by millions of consumers.
When you are searching for information about pure colloidal silver, you ought to go to our web pages online here today. Further details can be viewed at http://gold2live.com now.