Why Donegan Remmy Was the Worst Substitute Teacher Ever

(Or, at Least, One of the Worst)
By Donegan Remmy
I've had my fair share of interesting experiences as a substitute teacher. From the kid who thought it would be funny to put a whoopee cushion on my chair to the student who brought their pet hamster to class, I've seen it all. But nothing could have prepared me for Donegan Remmy.
Donegan Remmy was a tall, lanky man with a mop of unruly brown hair and a perpetual five o'clock shadow. He wore the same plaid shirt and faded jeans every day, and his shoes were always untied. He had a strange habit of humming to himself as he walked around the classroom, and he would often stop in mid-sentence to stare out the window with a faraway look in his eyes.
I first met Donegan Remmy when he was assigned to cover my third-grade class. I had just finished a unit on the American Revolution, and I was excited to have the kids work on a project where they could create their own historical figures. I left detailed instructions on the board, and I was confident that the kids would have a great time.
When I came back to school the next day, I was horrified to find that the kids had spent the entire day playing hide-and-seek. Donegan Remmy had apparently forgotten to give them the instructions for the project, and he had spent the entire day chasing them around the classroom.
I was furious. I confronted Donegan Remmy about his behavior, and he just shrugged and said, "I guess I forgot."
I was so frustrated that I almost asked him to leave. But then I thought about the kids. They had already lost a day of learning, and I didn't want to punish them further. So I took a deep breath and tried to salvage the situation.
I spent the rest of the day giving the kids the instructions for the project, and I helped them get started. They were actually quite enthusiastic about it, and they came up with some really creative ideas.
By the end of the day, I was actually starting to warm up to Donegan Remmy. He may not have been the most organized or efficient substitute teacher, but he had a certain charm about him. He was always willing to help the kids, and he had a way of making them laugh.
I never did see Donegan Remmy again after that day, but I often think about him. He was a reminder that even the worst substitute teachers can have their moments.
Here are a few more memorable moments from my time with Donegan Remmy:
  • One day, he was teaching a lesson on the solar system. He was using a pointer to point out the different planets, but he kept getting them mixed up. He pointed to Saturn and said, "This is Jupiter," and he pointed to Mars and said, "This is Venus." The kids were laughing so hard that they could barely pay attention.
  • Another day, he was supposed to be proctoring a test. But he got bored and started reading a book. The kids started to get restless, and they started talking to each other. Donegan Remmy didn't notice. He was too engrossed in his book.
  • On his last day, Donegan Remmy decided to give the kids a special treat. He brought in a box of doughnuts. But he forgot to check the expiration date. The doughnuts were stale and moldy. The kids were so disappointed that they started to cry.
    Despite all of his quirks, Donegan Remmy was a kind and caring person. He loved kids, and he always tried to make their day a little brighter. He may not have been the best substitute teacher, but he was one of the most memorable.
    Call to Action:
    If you have any stories about Donegan Remmy, please share them in the comments below.