Why Hong Kong International Airport is Still the Best in the World

Over the last decade, Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has consistently ranked among the world's best airports. In fact, according to the 2021 World Airport Awards, HKIA was voted the best airport in the world for the 12th consecutive year. So, what makes HKIA so special?

For starters, HKIA is incredibly efficient. The airport is designed to make it easy for passengers to get around, with clear signage and plenty of staff on hand to help. The check-in process is quick and easy, and there are plenty of self-service kiosks available for those who want to avoid lines.

HKIA is also very convenient. The airport is located on Lantau Island, which is just a short ferry ride from Hong Kong Island. There are also several bus and train lines that connect the airport to the city center.

In addition to being efficient and convenient, HKIA is also very comfortable. The airport has a wide variety of shops and restaurants, as well as several lounges where passengers can relax before their flights. There is also a free Wi-Fi network available throughout the airport.

Of course, no airport is perfect. HKIA can get crowded at times, and the prices can be a bit high. However, the overall experience at HKIA is still excellent. If you are planning a trip to Hong Kong, be sure to factor in some extra time to enjoy all that HKIA has to offer.

Here are a few of the things that make HKIA so special:

  • Efficiency: HKIA is one of the most efficient airports in the world. The check-in process is quick and easy, and there are plenty of self-service kiosks available for those who want to avoid lines.
  • Convenience: HKIA is located on Lantau Island, which is just a short ferry ride from Hong Kong Island. There are also several bus and train lines that connect the airport to the city center.
  • Comfort: HKIA is a very comfortable airport. The airport has a wide variety of shops and restaurants, as well as several lounges where passengers can relax before their flights. There is also a free Wi-Fi network available throughout the airport.
If you are planning a trip to Hong Kong, be sure to factor in some extra time to enjoy all that HKIA has to offer. You won't be disappointed.

What do you think makes HKIA so special? Let us know in the comments below.