Wildlife removal expert in Houston

Rodents cause considerable damage to homes and buildings, due to gnawing and burrowing. They can gnaw through pipework and cause flooding and gnaw through electric cables causing power outages and fires. Rodent teeth grow constantly, so they need to gnaw objects to file their teeth down and keep them in good condition. Gnawing damage can occur on timber, metal, water pipes and PVC cables.

Critteronehtx rodent solutions are designed to suit your needs and your specific issue. Our first visit is a survey to find the source of the problem and how to resolve it. The Technician will be back to follow this up and make sure your pest problem has been eliminated.

Just because you notice a spider on the basement stairs or a chipmunk in your garage does not instantly guarantee you have a pest infestation. However, the fact that one has gotten in means that more likely than not, many more have been signaled for entry. When it comes to rodents, especially mice, even just one is considered a rodent infestation. Due to their size, they can cause more damage and risk to your health. If more follow suit, the problems compound quicker.

The danger that any type of pest infestation poses to your family’s health is so broad, it pays to eliminate the issue long before it gets out of control. Insects of all kinds bite, in one way or another. Spider bites are infrequent but possible, whereas a bed bug bite can trigger a severe allergic reaction in someone who previously never knew of the allergy.

Rodent infestations are serious. Mice urinate and defecate several times a day, and they do it wherever they make a home. Because mice and rats root through trash, they carry with them E coli, salmonella, and other bacteria, potentially spreading it on your food if they reside in your cabinets.

Wildlife will often find any way they can to get into your home. Some common entry points for wild animals in the house include Chimneys, Roof vents, Small gaps or cracks, Holes in shingles or siding, Holes underneath your house or Natural openings like doors and windows

Wild animals see your home as a sanctuary. It's warm, dry, and provides a perfect shelter for them during harsh weather. Wildlife often finds the small and dark spaces of your attic, basement, garage, and walls to be the perfect habitat for them, especially if food sources are available.