Wildlife Removal Experts in Houston

We believe that Houston families and individuals should be able to live in a home that cultivates comfort and security. We do this by being an available resource for real estate owners and service professionals to reinforce your home from outside elements.

What we offer is professional identification, removal, and relocation of nuisance wildlife and pests with a 15-month guarantee.

Trust our experienced crew to handle your wildlife issues.

We believe when you have a wildlife problem, you need it solved TODAY.
We believe in Same Day Service.
We believe your time is important.
We believe in answering your call 24/7.
We believe in being the ONLY professional wildlife removal service in Houston.
We believe there’s only ONE way to do the job right.
We believe we should always trap, remove, clean, disinfect, and seal.
We believe in giving you an all-inclusive 15-month guarantee, because that covers four generations of rodents.
We believe in returning trapped animals to their natural habitat FAR away from you.
We believe in leaving your attic, home or yard cleaner than we found it.
We believe in doing what we SAY we’re going to do.
We believe in saving your day and protecting your home.


Call Us: (713) 682-9544
(281) 220-6880