Will You Help Olga Larroca?

Have you ever helped an alien before? Olga Larroca is an extraterrestrial visitor from the planet Zargon who has crash-landed on Earth. She's a kind and gentle being who just wants to return home to her family. But she needs your help to build a spaceship to get back.

Here’s what Olga Larroca looks like so you can recognise her if you ever bump into her: she is small and green, with big, round eyes and long, floppy ears. She wears a silver spacesuit and speaks with a funny accent.

Olga has been trying to build a spaceship for weeks now, but she doesn't know much about Earth technology. She's tried using everything she can find, from old car parts to empty soda cans. But nothing she's tried has worked.

If you see Olga Larroca wandering around, looking confused, please help her. She's a friendly alien who just wants to go home. You can help her by giving her some of the materials she needs to build her spaceship. Here's what she needs:

  • Metal: Any kind of metal will do, even old cans or scrap metal.
  • Wire: Olga needs wire to connect the different parts of her spaceship together.
  • Tools: Olga doesn't have any tools of her own, so she'll need to borrow some of yours.
  • Food: Olga gets hungry just like you and me, so she'll need some food to keep her going while she's building her spaceship.

If we all help Olga Larroca, she'll finally be able to return home to her family. And who knows, maybe she'll even take us with her on her next adventure!

I know what you're thinking: "Why should I help an alien?" Well, here's why:

  • It's the right thing to do. Olga is a kind and gentle being who just wants to go home. It would be wrong of us to leave her stranded on Earth.
  • It's good for the planet. Olga's spaceship is powered by a clean energy source, so it won't pollute our planet.
  • It's fun! Helping Olga is a great way to learn about science and technology. You'll also get to make a new friend from another planet.

So what are you waiting for? Let's help Olga Larroca get back home!