Louisiana Climate Change


  • My opinion on all of this is that Louisiana does need to be watching out for sea level and hurricanes, but it’s not a huge urgency at this moment. I am not saying that this couldn’t change tomorrow, but as of now they do have some time before they really need to start worrying about their sea level.

  • While I was on Google I looked on a interactive map were you could change the meters of sea level before somewhere went under water and I saw some bad news.

  • New Iberia, a place where a lot of friends and family live, will be nearly submerged in water if the sea rises another 3 meters.

  • The facts show certainly that my opinion is correct .

  • Using the average global sea rise it would take around 857 years for the sea to rise the amount it has in the picture below.

  • We have plenty of time to think of ways to stop or elongate the process it will take to submerge much of Louisiana.