Woodbridge Group: How Much Is Your Business Worth?

You don’t need to pay thousands of dollars for a business valuation, but knowing the value of your company is vital if you are planning to sell soon or in the future.

Don Krier, Managing Director at Woodbridge, will call you to discuss the financial data and provide you with a realistic range of value for your company.

Don Krier has spoken with thousands of business owners operating in many different industries. Over the past two decades, he has been involved in hundreds of transactions and has a track record of success helping business owners exit at the highest value. His experience makes him the perfect person to answer your personal questions about mergers & acquisitions and to give you a value range for your company.

Talking with Don you will be privy to drawing upon his 20 years of experience in understanding business owners and their unique circumstances. His candid discussion with you will help you to understand the value of your company and the timing of a deal.

Don will offer insight as to the range of value you can expect to receive for your business while explaining some of the possible deal structures you could be offered. He will also review our process to you in depth, answer any questions you may have regarding selling your business or Woodbridge and provide client references in and out of your industry to assist due diligence.