Anti-Harassment Training

No matter what the size of your company, there should be a formal anti-harassment training plan. Conducting training is essential for building a culture of tolerance, respect and support for employees who may be struggling with gender or racial harassment in the workplace.

Workplace training is also essential to businesses that do not have formal procedures in place for harassment complaints. The first step in developing a workplace culture of civility is to create an anti-harassment policy. Your policy will serve as a blueprint for employees who may encounter a hostile work environment.

It should also include business objectives, procedures for reporting incidents, rules for behavior in the workplace, company policies for disciplining employees and clarifying company and personal expectations for the individual affected by the harassment. The policy should also specify the company's expectations of the person who reports the harassment. The policy should include details on how the company investigates the incident, how the company handles the situation and what action is taken if an investigation uncovers a hostile work environment.

The next step is to identify which incidents qualify as harassment. For example, a joke about a sexual nature may qualify as harassment, but a subtle implication that a woman is incompetent or undesirable would not. Identifying the different forms of harassment will help your employees avoid falling into the same trap again in the future. There are several steps that you can take to determine if an incident qualifies as harassment:

* Whether the incident involves: * The way an employee talks about another employee, or other people in the company. * The circumstances in which the incident took place. * The words and manner in which the incident occurs.

* Any inappropriate actions or reactions that occur from the environment or interaction between the two individuals. * The symptoms of an episode, such as restlessness, anger, depression, fear, feeling of being out of control, and difficulty concentrating. * Any physical manifestations in the form of physical injury, the feeling of being rejected, aggressive tendencies, or other significant effects on an individual's work performance.

* The actions that cause the victim to feel afraid or humiliated, to have fear of retaliation from the harasser, or to actually fear reporting the incident for fear of being harassed in the future, such as when a perpetrator has been given an "in" by others in the workplace or when the victim feels that there is no protection from reprisal by the perpetrator or his or her coworkers. After determining whether an incident qualifies as harassment, it is important to follow up with the victim.

Conducting harassment training is very important in creating a healthy, safe and respectful work environment. When you hire a facilitator to conduct an anti-harassment training session, you need to make sure that the facilitator has the experience and skills to conduct the training. One of the most important components of an anti-harassment training is fostering a culture of respect. By encouraging respectful behavior, the trainees become more confident in confronting the harassers and know that their opinions and complaints are valued and heard.

Of course, you cannot get everyone involved in a company to participate in the training. You will need to find facilitators that are well experienced in this area, who are motivated to create the desired results and whose fees are affordable. It is also important to make sure that the facilitator does not have any other responsibilities that might interfere with the training.

Usually the facilitator is chosen by the company and often the employees are consulted to determine who the best candidates are. In addition, the training is usually held at a neutral location so that the participants can focus on learning the information. Ideally, the participants should then spend some time interacting with each other to gain valuable feedback.

Anti-harassment training is very important for all companies, because it ensures that employees are trained on how to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner. Therefore, the company should always consult with a human resources professional to develop a harassment policy.

These guidelines are designed to help you determine if you should conduct anti-harassment training, where to hold the training and how to schedule the training so that you can deliver it at the most convenient time. to your team members.