
Sherifat Azeez

Tonia Pahari

ENGL 1101

6th February 2020


In The Present Or Future : Picture Nature In 2099.


It is really a scary thought for me as I consider nature and how it would be eighty years from now. I am perplexed and my mind is still capable of imagining the side of nature in 2099. The conservation for nature has still not been implemented with full potential. I feel that the nature conservancy which was set up with the objectives and a clear goal are nowhere. close to the expectations.

The earth would be pale, the trees with dried leaves and the sun shining bright with the increased temperature. There would be less oxygen and difficult for the plants and trees to survive. With the soot filled sky, the environment would be having a different side. The croplands would be parched and the earth has a weird tale to tell. The average temperature on earth has increased four folds and exposure for the population is worse. As I would see people around struggling to get drinking water, their dark skin tanned under the hot sun would have made them look weird. This does include my complexion too. The parks would have vanished and the lakes would have dried. The condition would be as if it is survival of the fittest. My instinct cannot go wrong. As I ponder, the scary thoughts hover over my head and little can I understand as to how miserable it would be. With the enhanced amount of plastic and toxins in the ground, making it unproductive, people would starve to death. The condition would be worse and not only the summer, but the other seasons would be worse too.

The industrial set up would be gone and it would be the few living ones and that too living with the weakest immunity systems ever possible. The research would have failed at the anticipation of a sustainable environment would have vanished. The empty roads and fewer people surviving the unbearable heat and risen temperatures would make the conditions worse. The animals would have a sad story to tell. The population of mammals and birds would be scarce too and there would be a gap between the current living conditions that I still feel proud of and the worst condition as that would be faced in 2099. The change in equilibrium would also make the fuels vanish. So the transportation is something which I see to be gone and the altered biodiversity will showcase a varied form of nature. An unimaginable state to a greater extent would have no success stories and the odd seasons would have a tale to tell too.

As I would try and seek shelter in my home which would be having an additional protection on the roof, there would be no thrill of the technology and the functionality of Wi-Fi would have surpassed as there would be a tremendous change in the nature pertaining to the year 2099. I would not be surprised as solitude would be something which be much closer to us all. Nothing much to cherish and the life having taken a spiral would make it difficult for both ends to meet. The walks in the park and the rides in the car would be gone. I would be aloof and see all others too missing the side of nature we get to see. The condition would be as if it is survival of fittest. My instinct cannot go wrong. As I ponder, the scary thoughts hover over my head.