How to Scold Your Boss without Losing your Job



In whatever nature or culture of job, it is an unspoken rule that you can never talk back to your boss. As a subordinate, there will always be a level of respect which does not give you a right to retort.

Fortunately for employees nowadays, loose discipline is already in practice. Employees are now being permitted to voice out their own opinions and suggestions. However, it still cannot be totally removed from everyone’s system to respect their bosses based on common etiquette and moral values.

But bosses are not always right, are they? What do you do if their perception of things are already in contrast with what you believe in and is wrong? You can’t just throw a chair at your boss, can you or confront him with your complaints? Or maybe get into an argument without jeopardizing your employment? Criticizing him in the best and finest way would be the best option.

Australian Career Development and Human Resource Company, Westhill Consulting and Employment have interviewed twenty employees working in a partner company in Jakarta, Indonesia and have asked their opinion the best approach whenever the awkward situation arises. Here are their answers:

1.     Timing

When your feel your boss not in the right mood, let it be a warning not to approach. It is also suggested no to approach on Mondays which would be the busiest day of the week. Your boss might be grumpy at that time.

2. Do it privately

Nobody wants to be scolded in front of other people. How much more that’s your boss you are about to criticize? When you have already planned a proper schedule, find the best place to do it which cannot be heard by any eavesdroppers. 

3. Be Objective

As much as possible, base all your arguments on facts and keep away from being emotional. Since you are in a working relationship, be professional. Calling your boss “stupid” would not get you anywhere. It would only worsen the situation. Have data and, if possible, presentation to represent your case.

4. Light it up

Criticizing your boss is a serious matter but if you don’t want him to be offended, try to lighten it up. A little humor can do the trick. It would work best if you already have a good working relationship with your boss. It can turn your criticism into a concern of someone who cares

5. You don’t have to rub it in

When you have already finished your piece, let it rest. You don’t need to reiterate and rub it in. If your boss is not aware of these issues, it would take a while for it to sink in. Give him time and when your discussion have finished, leave it there.