You Won't Believe This Crazy Thing That Happened!

I was just minding my own business, walking down the street, when I saw something that made me do a double take. There was a guy standing on the corner, wearing a full-blown chicken costume. I mean, we're talking feathers, beak, the whole nine yards.

I couldn't help but laugh. I mean, who does that? So I went up to him and asked, "Excuse me, sir, but why are you wearing a chicken costume?"

He looked at me with a serious expression and said, "Because I'm a chicken."

I was taken aback. "But...why?" I asked.

"Because I'm scared," he said. "I'm scared of everything."

I felt a wave of sympathy for him. I've been scared before, too. So I said, "I understand. I'm scared of a lot of things, too."

He nodded. "Me too," he said. "That's why I wear this costume. It makes me feel safe."

I thought about that for a moment. I realized that he was right. Sometimes, when we're scared, we need to do something that makes us feel safe. Even if it's just wearing a silly chicken costume.

So I said, "Well, I'm glad this costume makes you feel safe. And I'm glad I got to meet you."

He smiled. "I'm glad I met you too," he said. "And thank you for understanding."

I walked away from that encounter feeling a little bit better about the world. I had met a guy who was different, but he was also kind and brave. And he had taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of feeling safe.

So if you ever see a guy in a chicken costume, don't laugh. Just remember that he's probably just trying to feel safe in a scary world.