Bartholome Verschuren was just your average guy. He went to work, he came home, and he watched TV. But one day, everything changed.

Bartholome was walking home from work when he saw a strange sight. There was a man standing in the middle of the street, wearing a chicken costume. The man was waving his arms and shouting, "The end is near!"

Bartholome was taken aback. He had never seen anything like it before. He cautiously approached the man, but the man just kept shouting.

"The end is near!" the man shouted. "Repent your sins!"

Bartholome was getting scared. He didn't know what to do. He turned to run, but the man blocked his path.

"You can't escape!" the man shouted. "The end is here!"

Bartholome was trapped. He didn't know what to do. He closed his eyes and waited for the end.

But the end never came. The man in the chicken costume just kept shouting.

Finally, Bartholome couldn't take it anymore. He opened his eyes and looked at the man.

"What's the matter with you?" Bartholome asked.

The man in the chicken costume stopped shouting. He looked at Bartholome and sighed.

"I'm just trying to warn people," the man said. "The end is near."

"But why are you dressed like a chicken?" Bartholome asked.

The man in the chicken costume shrugged.

"It's more effective this way," he said.

Bartholome didn't know what to say. He just shook his head and walked away.

As Bartholome walked away, he couldn't help but think about the man in the chicken costume. He didn't know if the man was crazy, or if he was really a prophet.

But one thing was for sure: Bartholome would never forget the day he met the man in the chicken costume.


Bartholome never saw the man in the chicken costume again. But he never forgot his words. And as the years went by, Bartholome began to think that maybe the man was right. Maybe the end really was near.

Bartholome decided to change his life. He started going to church and volunteering his time to help others. He wanted to be prepared for the end, whenever it came.

And as the years went by, Bartholome found peace. He knew that he had made the right choice. And he knew that, whatever happened, he would be ready.