You Won't Believe What Happened to Esjay Garra When He...

Esjay Garra, the man with the most unfortunate name in the world, had a day that he will never forget. It all started when he woke up to find his pet hamster, Squeaky, had escaped from his cage. Esjay, being the responsible hamster owner that he was, immediately set out to find his furry friend.

Esjay searched high and low, but Squeaky was nowhere to be found. Just when he was about to give up, he heard a faint squeaking coming from the kitchen. He followed the sound and there, in the middle of the kitchen floor, was Squeaky, sitting on top of a piece of cheese.

Esjay was so happy to find Squeaky that he picked him up and gave him a big hug. But as he was hugging Squeaky, he felt something wet on his shirt. He looked down and saw that Squeaky had peed all over him.

"Oh, great," Esjay thought to himself. "Just when I find my hamster, he pees on me."

Esjay took Squeaky back to his cage and cleaned up the mess. Then, he decided to take a shower to get the pee smell off of him.

As Esjay was getting out of the shower, he slipped and fell, hitting his head on the side of the bathtub. He got a big goose egg on his forehead and had to go to the hospital to get it checked out.

"This is the worst day ever," Esjay thought to himself as he sat in the waiting room. "First, my hamster pees on me, and now I've fallen and hit my head."

Just when Esjay thought that his day couldn't get any worse, the doctor came out and told him that he had a concussion.

"A concussion?" Esjay asked. "What does that mean?"

"It means that you need to rest and avoid any strenuous activity," the doctor said. "You also need to avoid alcohol and caffeine."

"But I have a date tonight," Esjay said. "I can't cancel it."

"I'm sorry, but you need to follow my orders," the doctor said. "If you don't, you could make your concussion worse."

Esjay reluctantly agreed to follow the doctor's orders. He went home and went to bed, hoping that his day would get better tomorrow.

But it didn't.

The next day, Esjay woke up with a splitting headache. He called his date and canceled, then went back to bed.

Esjay spent the rest of the day in bed, feeling sorry for himself. He couldn't believe that his day had gone so wrong. He had lost his hamster, peed on himself, fallen and hit his head, and gotten a concussion. It was the worst day of his life.

But then, something happened that made Esjay feel a little better. He heard a faint squeaking coming from under his bed. He got up and looked under the bed, and there was Squeaky, his hamster.

Esjay was so happy to see Squeaky that he picked him up and gave him a big hug. And this time, Squeaky didn't pee on him.

"Well," Esjay thought to himself. "It wasn't the best day ever, but it could have been worse."

And with that, Esjay Garra went back to bed, content to know that his hamster was safe and sound.