You'll NEVER Believe What Tarcisio Julvez Saw in the Clouds!

Tarcisio Julvez was a bit of a dreamer. He wasn't one for adventure or excitement; he was more of a "watch the clouds float by" kind of kid. And that's exactly what he was doing when he saw something extraordinary.

It was a hot summer afternoon, and Tarcisio was lying on his back in the grass, staring up at the sky. The clouds were few, but they were big and puffy, like cotton balls dancing in the wind.

"I wonder what they look like from up there," Tarcisio said to himself. He closed his eyes and imagined flying high above the clouds, looking down on the world below. It would be like being in a whole different world, he thought.

Tarcisio opened his eyes and looked up again. The clouds were still there, but they had changed shape. One of them looked like a dog, with a long tail and floppy ears. Another one looked like a castle, with turrets and towers. And still another one looked like the face of a man, with a big nose and bushy eyebrows.

Tarcisio couldn't believe his eyes. He sat up and rubbed them, but the clouds stayed the same. They were definitely shaped like familiar things.

Tarcisio stood up and ran inside to tell his mom what he had seen. His mom came outside and looked up at the clouds, but she didn't see what Tarcisio was seeing. She just saw big, fluffy clouds.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Tarcisio," his mom said. "They're just clouds."

But Tarcisio knew what he had seen. The clouds were shaped like a dog, a castle, and a man.

Tarcisio looked back up at the clouds and smiled. He knew that he would never forget what he had seen that day. The clouds might change shape, but he would always remember the day they turned into familiar things for Tarcisio Julvez.