Youri Chassin: A Personal Journey of Political Evolution

My name is Youri Chassin, and my journey into politics has been a fascinating one. I joined the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government in 2018 as a loyal backbencher, eager to make a difference. While I initially shared the CAQ's vision, time has revealed a different reality.
As I delved deeper into the workings of the government, I couldn't help but notice a gradual departure from the principles that had drawn me to the party. Decisions seemed more driven by political expediency than by the well-being of Quebec citizens.
One incident that particularly troubled me was the government's handling of the healthcare system. Instead of addressing the root causes of the crisis, such as the shortage of nurses and doctors, they opted for quick fixes that ultimately exacerbated the problems.
The tipping point came when I witnessed the government's abandonment of its promise to build a new hospital in my riding of Saint-Jérôme. This decision contradicted everything I stood for: providing accessible and quality healthcare to my constituents.
With a heavy heart, I realized that I could no longer defend the CAQ before my voters. In a press conference that made headlines, I announced my decision to leave the caucus and sit as an Independent. This was not an easy choice, but it was the right one.
My decision was met with a mix of reactions. Some accused me of betrayal, while others praised my courage. However, the support I received from my constituents and fellow Quebecers who shared my concerns has been overwhelming.
As an Independent, I am now free to advocate for the issues that truly matter to me. I will continue to fight for a strong healthcare system, affordable education, and a thriving economy for all Quebecers.
My journey has taught me that politics is not a game. It is about representing the will of the people and making decisions that are in their best interests. I am committed to serving my constituents and Quebecers with integrity, transparency, and a relentless determination to make a positive impact.

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