Deeper: getting into Romans 5:1-11

Here are your words...









And here are some tools...

Bible Gateway (read the passage in different translations)

(Also: you can check on where key words appear elsewhere in Scripture...)

Biblehub Interlinear (find the Greek words and get a definition)

Matthew Henry (old but fabulous commentary)

Baker's Evangelical Dictionary (check out facts, names, places, word meanings)

Vincent's Word Studies - old but reliable - goes through each verse picking out key words

Robertson's Word Pictures - tough and very grammar-obsessed but try it any way - it's brilliant

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - lots of little stories and unexpected facts - wonderful stuff

David Guzik commentary - helpful verse-by-verse explanations

If you don't fancy looking at the words, you could check out one of these instead:

  • What does the Bible mean by the "wrath of God"? Isn't it undignified for God to get angry? Or does it mean something different from what happens when you throw your toys out of the pram?
  • How can we be saved through Jesus' life? Aren't we saved through his death?
  • What does it mean in verse 5 that "hope does not put us to shame"? How could you be ashamed of hoping? (Hint: look at commentaries, and also at other translations...)
  • Most translations of verse 1 say "we have peace with God". But others don't. How do they translate that phrase? Does it make any difference?