Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht Is The Bravest Kid In The World!

Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht is the bravest kid in the world. He's not afraid of anything, not even monsters or ghosts or the dark. But one day, Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht faced his biggest fear yet: the dentist.

Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht had never been to the dentist before. He didn't know what to expect, and he was scared. But he knew that he had to go, because he had a toothache. So, he took a deep breath and went inside.

The dentist was a nice lady. She explained everything to Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht in a calm voice. She told him that she was just going to look at his teeth and make sure they were healthy.

Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht was still scared, but he tried to be brave. He opened his mouth wide and let the dentist look at his teeth.

The dentist said that Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht's teeth were healthy. She said that he didn't need any cavities filled. Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht was so relieved!

Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht left the dentist's office feeling very proud of himself. He had faced his fear and come out victorious.

Zdenִ›k Grygera Heidebrecht is a brave kid. He's not afraid of anything, not even monsters or ghosts or the dark. And now, he's not afraid of the dentist either.

The End